Archive | May, 2022

Putting Woes Again, Part 2

31 May

It is hard to gauge my putting performance from my most recent golf game. The game was not a typical one but a Texas scramble format, and the score was the result of the efforts of both players from the partnership.

So with the format being such, it’s hard then to determine how my putting statistics were because we each would take turns to hole out if the other did not.

But I’m certainly not complaining because we had a terrific combination and played an astounding 16 under our combined handicap. There were occasions we fumbled, but this did not affect the result.

I guess a few more games to adjust and fine-tune to rid myself of putting woes with the Scotty, then only I will decide what to do next.

DIY Project #24, Part 2

30 May

DIY project number 24 is a wrap! I’m so proud of myself. Within two weeks, I completed the set because I stayed focused. Every day, I had a mission which was to work on it. So things came together bit by bit daily.

The biggest challenge was the gramophone piece, and I had to improvise to ensure the sound horn could hold its position. I felt the tiny wire, as stated in the instruction booklet, was too weak to withstand the weight of the sound horn. True enough, I improvised by reinforcing with a stronger joint, and it worked out well.

Overall, it’s an easy set to work on and could have taken a shorter time frame to complete. But there were time-consuming steps, which were leaving the pieces to dry after gluing them together. Well, I’m a happy camper, or should I say, crafter with this completion. Onwards with the next set!

My latest miniature!

Putting Woes Again

27 May

I have been playing good golf lately, aided by some good putting. It’s a good confidence booster. It’s unbelievable when the Scotty Cameron putter has been performing so consistently. But, good things never last.

During my last game, the Scotty suddenly let me down so badly. The consistent performance could not hold, and it’s been a long time since I did 41 putts in one game. Yes, a horrible—for lack of a better word—41 putts. There was a four-putt and several unnecessary three-putts. Emotions were running rampant coming of this disaster.

As a result, Scotty is making way for the Peanut Putter again. Let’s hope there will be better luck and magic to rid me of these putting woes with this change. I play my next game tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Increasing the Stash

24 May

Just when I depleted my DIY miniature stash, I increased it again! I have been slow crafting my miniatures this year compared to the last two years under lockdown during the pandemic. My current supply of miniature sets has been collecting dust, and I attribute this slowdown to playing more golf and the new felting hobby.

Despite completing only one set (number 23) recently and in the midst of another now, I felt that I needed to increase my stash of DIY miniatures. There seems to be a sense of insecurity when I take a box from the mountain of miniature sets. Funny.

Three weeks ago, Lady Luck was shining on me as the sets that I had been eyeing were on sale on my favorite online shopping site. The series of six was on offer, and it was tough to decide whether to buy all six or be selective on which ones to get. Decisions, decisions!

One box is dented but insides not damaged luckily

In the end, I picked only three sets. Although my mountain of DIY miniatures sets saw a decrease by two, these three latest purchases have reinstated the security level. Yes, I feel a little more secure now, and crafting miniatures have never been more pleasant!

DIY Project #24

23 May

So DIY project number 24 kicked off before the weekend. I thought it would be an easy set to work on, being so minuscule. Boy, was I wrong! The gramophone is so hard to construct, and I have not even looked at the rest of the set.

A pair of deft hands are needed!

Thank goodness I had the weekend off from golf, and there was progress. Slowly but surely, I will finish this set to avoid this being a repeat of project number 23, taking forever to complete.

When Life Gives You Bananas Instead

20 May

Recently the pandemic SOP restrictions for travels and visits have been lifted. So we visited my aunt and cousin – it was a fruitful visit, literally. We came home with papayas and bananas. So wonderful! It wasn’t a case of getting lemons and making lemonade, but bananas and making a bunch of yummies!

The papayas tasted very different from those from our garden, but nice nevertheless. We couldn’t figure out what species was the bananas, so we had to wait for them to ripen. And when they did, we still couldn’t pinpoint the species. Lol! Oh well.

We discovered the banana tastes best when combined with something. Eating it on its own does not taste as good. So what do you do or make when there are so many bananas?

First, there was the banana smoothie, which was so good and filling. I used lactose intolerant milk so that I could drink the smoothie too. Then there’s the banana bread baked by hubby. Delicious! After these two efforts, there were still a lot of bananas left, so I made a banana sorbet, which tasted simply heavenly.

Banana galore!

It’s such a simple recipe that I found online using just three ingredients. Bananas, which we had plenty of, and lime and honey! Blend them several times to be as smooth as possible, then freeze. Best eaten during hot days. So now you know, when life gives you bananas, make bread, smoothies, and sorbet!

A Little Role Play

17 May

Since I took forever to complete DIY project number 23, I decided to play with it. Being my only classroom setting kit, a little role play for some fun. As I happened to have three felted Miffy bunnies (I gave the others away), they are the perfect size for the classroom!

The little classroom

Add in Hedwig, the learned owl, to teach the classroom – this little fun makes up for the lengthy duration I took to complete the set. If I had more felted characters done up, I would have one busy township bustling with activities. All those DIY sets that I have completed would have a better use than just being in the Ikea display cabinet.

Long Weekends

16 May

We seem to be having long weekends of late. Two weeks ago, there was that long stretch of a five-day weekend with the Hari Raya break. This week, it’s another long stretch, albeit shorter, with a three-day weekend.

It was Wesak Day yesterday, but as it fell on Sunday, the replacement holiday for it is today. It makes no difference to us, but we are not complaining. The good thing about this is that the renovation at the house behind us—yes, that’s still ongoing—is not allowed today. So there’s some peace at home.

We should enjoy these breaks whenever they occur, for it will be some time before the next long weekend comes around!

Wrapping Up DIY Project #23

13 May

DIY project number 23 has been such a challenge. After five months, I’m glad to say DIY project number 23 is a done deal. Well, almost. Not so much of it is hard to construct, but more because of my commitment to staying focused to get it done. When there are other things to do, crafting miniatures takes a backseat.

DIY project number 23

The structure and furniture pieces were all completed some time ago. However, I left things unattended, diverting to felting Miffy rabbits and cute tortoises in between playing golf. The finishing details were the schoolbags and ceiling lights which I decided to skip doing for practical reasons, or call it customizing, if you may.

The opted out pieces

The set will sit in the Ikea display cabinet with the other completed miniature projects. So being in the display cabinet, ceiling lights are pointless because it is too tight a space to touch anything in there. In other words, I have not turned on the lights of any of the sets for some time already. As for the bags, well, I find them too tedious to make, so I’m leaving them out now, but I may change my mind. We shall see.

I have also decided not to take a long break and will jump right into DIY project number 24, which is a much smaller set; hence, the time to complete it will not take so long. I hope I will be more focused on it once I get started.

A Bag of Air

10 May

We love snacking on chips, and now and then, a bag of chips would be out, and we’ll be munching away. It’s not the healthiest snack, but we’ll close one eye on this.

Recently, M1 brought a bag of chips home for us to try. And try we did. When I opened the bag, it was a bag of air more than chips! Eesh, I was irked to encounter this! The audacity of the manufacturers to puff up the bag to make it look plentiful when in reality, two-thirds of the bag contains more air than chips.

The bag of air

But certain brands are a little better, packing less air and more chips. So either we eat and not complain, or not eat at all to avoid being irked.