Archive | November, 2017

A Second Chance

30 Nov

This tree had actually died several months ago but hubby didn’t have the heart to throw it away. So he planted it at the garden just so he can hang his air plant pieces on it.

Barren but sturdy, it stool for months without leaves or life. Never say die literally. Surrounded by the air plants, a different location in the garden and a change in weather, it miraculously revived!

The love and air must have been good for it. The past few days new leaves have been sprouting out, the tree resuscitated and blooming, given this second chance. What a beautiful sight.


It’s the Lipstick

28 Nov

By now, it’s a known fact that I wear dresses only at wedding dinners because I find it cumbersome to wear such fitting outfits on a daily basis. Getting in and out of the car would be so hard. And sitting with a leg tucked underneath would be out of the question.

I think the killer touch is not the dress or the heels but the lipstick. I love my Shu Uemura lipstick and it’s the attention grabber more than anything else. But sadly, the #242 Wine Bordeaux red is far more dinosaur than me as it is no longer existing in the Shu Uemura range. Sigh…

It’s All About Family

27 Nov

The trip to Malacca last Friday to attend a nephew’s wedding was really a good one. I think it’s all about family more than the wedding dinner because we got to see as many uncles, aunties and cousins. Not everyone turned up though but it was good to catch up. I guess this has become important as we grow older.

Cousins whom I have not seen for years came from near and far. Nieces and nephews whom I have never met before were introduced for the first time. The three generations were fairly represented.

The camaraderie and reminiscing was better than ever with conversations as if we were never apart despite all these years. Grandpa was mentioned often. Such nostalgia. Of course Mom had a good time catching up with her siblings. And M2 shyly got to know her other cousins.

Indeed, it’s all about family. And everyone agreed that while an occasion like this is great for everybody to meet, we should make it a point to gather more often to enable especially the new generation to know each other better.

There’s talk to plan another big family gathering and not wait for another wedding to do so. I am certainly looking forward to it!

A Wedding and A Road Trip

24 Nov

Today’s the official last day of school and also Report Card day! Why can’t the school have this earlier, say last week instead? Anyway, what has to be done has to be done. Sigh…

Today’s the wedding dinner too and we get to go on a road trip! It’s an outstation occasion in Malacca, so it will be an overnight trip because it will be way too late to drive back after the dinner. We leave after the session with the teachers in the morning.

Looking forward to seeing all the aunties, uncles and cousins. And oh… donning the dress that I bought recently.

How Did I Do That?

23 Nov

I have been playing golf for a long time but this does not mean I am consistent at it. There are good days and there are bad days on the golf course with or without injury. Last year during a span of slightly over a week for two games, I did the most unimaginable. I hurt some trees…

It was a good tee off. But the second shot went wayward and to the right. I was in between the trees.

Hmm… How do I get out of this? So in this first game, I stood over my ball and looked ahead. I could punch my ball out in between the trees to the fairway, I thought. And so I did.

But of course, me being me, my ball accurately hit the first tree and deflected forward in the direction of another tree only to deflect backwards off it as well! The poor trees… I lost some distance obviously.

Two deflections off two trees! How accurate is that?

Then during the second game, a similar scenario occurred. I teed off into a tree again. But this time, my attempt to get the ball out onto the fairway deflected off the poor tree so badly, I ended up a good ten feet behind the tee box instead. How did I do that?

Golf is a funny game. Thank goodness when I played yesterday, none of this tree-hurting deflections occurred. Phew.

Dinky’s Progress

21 Nov

Dinky the Dinosaur in 3D is coming along fine. Much effort was put in to shape it but unfortunately, I couldn’t have its arms and legs intact. So this means I have to improvise with add ons – either toothpicks or wooden chopsticks.

But now I face a predicament. I’ve come to realize that 2D Dinky is a flat two dimensional character especially with both its eyes on one plane, defying perspective. Almost Cubism but without the collage that Cubism is known for.

Both eyes on one side will stay true to its original character but now in 3D, surely I can’t have it like that! Then the other side, another two eyes? That would make my Dinky freaky with four eyes!


Making the Effort, Part 2

20 Nov

I finally decided on what to carve for the four inch block: my dinky dinosaur! I feel it’s an apt choice but a very challenging one because of the tiny arms and legs.

I just hope they don’t break off when I exert a little bit more strength to carve out the limbs. Otherwise I may have to improvised and use toothpicks or wooden chopsticks to add on. We’ll see…

Dinky for now is 2D on my leg; let’s see how it turns out in 3D as a wood carving piece because thinking in 3D and 2D are two totally different process. Not easy.

Wish me luck!

Off They Go

17 Nov

My two commissioned paintings are finally going to their new owners. After a seven-month curing period for the oil paint to be totally dry, it’s time. I hand them over this weekend. It’s a rather nice and warm bubbly feeling to know that someone else appreciates my art. Thank you for the support.

With this, I hope to paint again and soon.

Making the Effort

16 Nov

Finally, I pushed myself to carve and it felt therapeutic. But unsure of what new species I want to embark on, I started off with yet another Citizen and another Monument to get the momentum going. I must say the details on the new Monument are more prominent compared to the earlier 3-citizen piece. Practice makes perfect.

So while this is ongoing, the mind is contemplating and thinking what next. It should be a good challenge ahead because I have decided to go with the four inch block.



A New Dress

14 Nov

I must say I am not one who would go out of the way to buy a dress, let alone wear one. All these years, dresses are not my typical wardrobe. But when I was invited, middle of this year, to attend a nephew’s wedding dinner towards the end of November, both M2 and I decided we should go shopping. Specifically for a new look. A new dress.

After all, wedding dinners are the only occasions that I would wear a dress. For once, I thought it would be nice to have an addition to my wardrobe. And the fact that we would be meeting up with the aunties, uncles and cousins all the more makes the new look and attendance necessary.

However, we didn’t act upon it immediately because of our busy schedules. Furthermore, during that time, I was in fat-mode, having grown sideways so it’s not a good time to go try on dresses so early on.

Finally when we went shopping last week, it took us two visits to the mall before we made our choices. I’m happy we both chose well. Zara, my choice never fails while M2 opted for Cotton On.
