Archive | November, 2021

DIY Project #22, Part 3

30 Nov

As expected, I completed DIY project number 22 before the weekend was up! It was an easy-peasy set – that’s why I picked it over the other choices from the stash. Although I feared working on the many fabric pieces after completing the nitty-gritty, the task did not intimidate me. It turned out to be quite enjoyable.

DIY project number 22

There were days that I did not have time to sit down to work on the set, which I had anticipated, but I managed, and I’m pleased. The best part, I found a spot in the Ikea display cabinet for it. Soon after, I took a day off from crafting miniatures, and I even went to the office.

The set came with the Little Bear and bunny slippers

I think carving the Gnome Trio will be sidelined again because I want to start the felting activity to see if I like the new hobby. It could be the start of something new!

A New Hobby

29 Nov

M1 recently gifted me a new hobby kit – a complete felting kit. I talked about wanting to try felting but never followed through because I was obsessed with crafting DIY miniatures. She must have remembered and bought the kit for me to try. Of course, I was thrilled when I received it.

The latest activity to try

But I was also afraid to even start on it. What if I don’t like this new hobby? What if I do like it? Then, how do I plan my schedule? As it is, I have so many things to do to keep me busy.

There’s the crafting of DIY miniatures. Currently, I am at the tail-end of DIY project number 22. And there’s carving on balsa and meranti wood to make my Citizens of Gigglesville and gnomes of all shapes and sizes.

Let’s not even delve into painting, which I have my easel and several canvases sitting there collecting dust. Throw in the cooking, cleaning, golf, and occasionally, some design work – there’s hardly any time left. And now, with a new hobby venture, how do I divide my time? Tough.

New Growth

26 Nov

It’s been raining a lot lately, and as such, I hardly venture out to the garden. However, today it’s cloudy, and I just so happen to be out. And boy, things look neglected. Weeds were everywhere!

On a brighter note, the vegetables that we planted have shown results. And no, it’s not the lady’s fingers but the mini brinjal this time.

The two mini brinjals

Two-round mini brinjals after so long. Hahaha! At least when we harvest them to eat, I don’t have to cut them into tiny morsels for the three of us.

DIY Project #22, Part 2

23 Nov

DIY project number 22 got off to a good start. I managed to put in two solid days without interruption. As a result, most of the nitty-gritty was completed. The main challenge now is dealing with all those fabrics, necessary to complete the little bed.

Slowly but surely it’s coming along

I have to plan to see where I can place it in the Ikea cabinet once it is completed. And the completion should be before the weekend is up!

Perhaps once this is done, I should jump back to carving the second Gnome Trio, as this is far more important to finish, bearing in mind it’s a gift for somebody.

Look at My Stash! Part 2

22 Nov

During the 11.11 online shopping promotion, I did not disappoint myself. Joining in the fray for online shopping, I bought five new miniature sets to add to my stash! But I have to admit, out of the five, two sets are mine while three are for M1, who has taken to crafting miniatures.

More miniature sets to work on! So obsessed

I guess my stash will never deplete if I keep buying at every sale opportunity. Well, it helps the economy, and crafting miniatures keep me busy. It’s a win-win situation.

The Other Baker

19 Nov

It looks like hubby is not the only person who bakes in our home. M1 is quite a baker too. I supposed this came from her lockdown periods when she was still in the US. With nothing much to do, baking was an outlet to keep busy.

But our other baker bakes adorable stuff. She baked these cute little bear cookies not too long ago. Pretty to look at, delicious to eat too. I hope she will continue to indulge in this whenever she has the time.

Want some bear cookies?

DIY Project #22

16 Nov

After the short getaway, it’s back to the daily routine. And this includes getting back to crafting miniatures. I have rested long enough, and the stash is piling up.

After some thought, I have decided to work on a mini-set, which generally is a feel-good piece to do. And this shouldn’t take too many days. Tops, I would say two weeks, inclusive of some off days and golf days.

A mini set is perfect because I am running out of display places. The Ikea display cabinet is chock-full of DIY miniatures of all sizes, and any larger ones would not fit. But I can squeeze in the tiny mini ones.

Let the crafting begin for #22!

Perhaps my next purchase should be another Ikea display cabinet to house all my miniatures. Hmm, it’s a good thought.

By the way, I am bypassing carving the second Gnome Trio. The mood to carve is not quite happening. So back to crafting miniatures to keep busy is best.

A Short Getaway

15 Nov

After almost two years (since March 2020) of staying put, we finally had the chance to travel again. Over the weekend, we drove up North to visit hubby’s parents. It was July last year that I last saw them when there was a window for interstate travel during the pandemic.

Gudetama is car sick from the long journey!

The past two years, the furthest I have left the house was to the city center to run some office errands. Moreover, it was only when interstate travel was allowed, and even then, it was not frequent. So this trip to visit the folks was such a welcome.

I must say, they are fine, and we had a good but short getaway. I managed to catch up on my sleep and rest. We did not play golf, which was just as well because it rained every day. So instead, we spent quality time together. Although it was a short getaway, it was a good one.

Back to the Grind

12 Nov

It is nice to take a few days off from crafting miniatures. My little workstation never looked more organized and clean! But rest on my laurels I must not, for there are other things to do.

I have to finish this!

So I am back to carving the second Gnome Trio. This piece has been left unattended for far too long. And if I intend to gift it to the person I have in mind, I better sharpen all my carving tools and get back to the grind on this.

A New Fan

9 Nov

It is flattering when your child takes after your interest. The past two years, I tried to get M2 (when she was back for her Summer holidays) to build miniatures with me during our lockdown, but she had no interest whatsoever.

Then when M1 came home this year – and under home quarantine, I gave her a set to do to pass her time. And she thoroughly enjoyed it!

Soon after her quarantine was over, I gave her another set of mine to work on, and I must say, she was very into building miniatures too and finished it in no time. Before I knew it, I bought her another set, and voila! She was churning them out to rival my early efforts’ pace. She has just completed her fourth set.

Miniatures done by M1! So cute.

I’m happy that there is a new fan of DIY miniatures other than me at home.