Archive | September, 2017

Should I Update?

29 Sep

Not too long ago, I finally updated the OS on my iPhone5S to iOS10. I held out for the longest time because of one bad update moment that crashed my iPad Mini and it left me in fear. I had this silly notion that the same fate would happen to my phone, so I remained at 7.1.2 like a dinosaur.

Thankfully nothing tragic happened and I must say I am happy with the performance of my phone with the new OS. There was more space and apps that I couldn’t download before because of OS incompatibility are no longer an issue.

There is a new OS now, the iOS11. And I am just wondering should I update? M2 updated her iPad Mini 4 without problems and gushed that it’s awesome. My iPad Mini, being such an old device has maxed out already for its OS but my phone can still be updated.

Should I? Hmm…

Still At It

28 Sep

I’m still at Candy Crush Soda after so long and it’s more to collect the daily rewards than crush any candies honestly. The continuity is ridiculous – close to 400 consecutive days on the iPad and 200 days on the iPhone. Sometimes I don’t even play the game!

As for Candy Crush Saga itself, the game is only played on the laptop or desktop if I have time. Will I ever give up?


Homes for Citizens of Gigglesville

26 Sep

Hubby was at a Plants & Garden Exhibition two weekends ago and he bought these little homes for me. How sweet. He said the minute he saw them, he felt that they would make nice homes for the Citizens of Gigglesville despite their being gnome-sized.

I think they are rather cute and see them as the basis to draw up my township’s master plan. I just need to put in all on paper. And when it’s shaped up nicely, I am thinking more of a painting for a backdrop. If the mood hits, I may even carve up a little home or two for my precious Citizens of Gigglesville.


Five, Seven or More?

25 Sep

So we had another long three-day weekend and as planned, I carved. This began on Thursday night itself with the creation of Citizen #86. Then on Friday, I was on a roll, three more Citizens came about!

By Saturday, I was so pumped up, I did a totem pole of three Citizens, honouring three species. I called this the Landmark of Gigglesville.

But now, I am in a fix. Does it count one or three, after all it has three Citizens one on top of another. With four done up on Thursday and Friday, how does this add to the count?

Hubby said it should be a Monument because it aptly commemorates the birth of Gigglesville, and I ought to serialize it too. Having said that, the Superheroes, the ‘O’ Mobile, the Mayor, Wanderlust Owl, the pets and E.B. (Evil Buster) were not serialized like the normal Citizens, they have names instead. And this whole lot adds up another ten to the tally!

Prior to the Monument, a new Superhero was also created plus a new Adventure owl several days ago but both are still work in progress. So in essence chronologically, I have actually surpassed the 100th mark; the Monument being the 103rd piece of Gigglesville because the first totem pole that started this all must be counted as well.

WOW. It’s certainly not five or seven but more!

Work in progress for these two

The towering Monument of Gigglesville

Busy Days Ahead

22 Sep

It’s a blessing in disguise as today is yet another public holiday! There’s so much carving to do.

The last two balsa wood that I bought not too long ago are all carved up. So I need more and last weekend, I decided to buy four, double the usual two that I normally get.

Obviously there will be a boom in Gigglesville as one piece would yield 12 citizens; with four pieces, wow, busy days ahead for me! It’s just a matter of how much time I would take, not how many I can make.

And with the arrival of the new tools, busy days ahead indeed; the three day long weekend is most welcomed.

Online Shopping, Part 2

21 Sep

After waiting patiently for 11 days, my set of carving tools from Lazada finally arrived yesterday! Yay.

Carving from now on will be so much more fun.

Bag of Books or Bricks, Part 2

19 Sep

Unlike M2’s heavy school bag, when I was in high school, I remember I would try to avoid bringing any text books to school. I simply didn’t want a heavy backpack to deal with and even conspired with my friend who sat next to me to share the textbook, blatantly defying the teacher who specifically said no sharing. We basically took turns to bring the Math textbook to school.

Sometimes we will leave our subject text books in school or even hide them in the class cupboard! Ahhh… those were the days.

When it came to college, thank goodness for me being an art student for I did not have much text books to lug around. But I had art materials though and I did have a locker at the Art Department to keep my supplies. And this helped especially during winters when I had to trudge through the snow.

Sometimes situations today trigger those nostalgic memories. Sigh…

Dang! She’s Good, Part 2

18 Sep

I don’t recall English classes during the dinosaur years in high school was fun although I remember the teacher back then was nice and I liked her. Homework assignments were dull and boring. Ho hum.

English classes during college was certainly more fun and entertaining. But as far as I can remember, it was all about writing, creative writing and more writing.

Unlike M2’s recent English class assignment. It certainly was very different and a lot more fun because the class had to cook. English class, cooking? Go figure!

The teacher grouped the students and each group had to choose a country to research on culture, economy and food. How this related to the language was probably the written and oral, and definitely perked up the class to stay interested.

The students then had weekly show and tell sessions and the ultimate presentation was the food; each group had to cook something during class at the Home Science workshop to showcase the country’s food.

M2’s group chose Thailand. It was all very interesting (they made Pad Thai, Banana pancake and Thai Iced Tea) but what impressed me more was the cooking menu that M2 drew.

Such meticulous details and skill! Even I can’t draw like that I must admit. I think the girl has potential to pursue art, specifically illustration.

Bag of Books or Bricks

15 Sep

M2 carries the heaviest bag of books to school these days. We simply cannot fathom why text books nowadays are made so thick and big that they feel more like bricks than books. Hubby commented that her school bag was heavier than his golf bag. I tried carrying her bag to gauge.

Sure enough, it felt heavier than my golf bag too. And mind you, my bag has the full set of 14 clubs, a dozen balls, an umbrella, raincoat and the essential knick knacks.

Why are kids these days subjected to such a burden? I just hope carrying all those heavy books will yield some positive exam results.

Carving is Good, Carving is Bad

14 Sep

I’ve come to conclusion that carving has been good and bad. Good because it’s an outlet for me these past few months to channel my energy all this time while resting to recover from my tennis elbow; bad because I sit so much, I feel that my ass has grown. Ugh. And this was confirmed by Mom sometime back when she commented that I had expanded sideways. Ouch.

Then again, it can’t be that bad because Gigglesville was created with all these cute and lovable citizens; and the physical problem can be resolved over time.

Thank goodness these days I am back to playing golf and being at the gym, and Gigglesville continues to bloom beautifully.