Archive | December, 2022

2020 – The Year That Was

30 Dec

Well, another year has come and gone, almost. With another day left for 2022, it’s time to reflect on the year that was.

I have seen on the web that touted 2022 as ‘2020 Too’ and not 2022. Get it? A repeat of the year that upended everything. To a certain extent, it was true. But I think the good things that happened far outweighed the unpleasant, at least for me.

The highlight of the year for us was M2’s graduation, and we had the opportunity to travel to Dublin, Ireland, to attend the Commencement Ceremony. During that time, travelers no longer needed to be quarantined upon arrival, so that was good. It added extra days to our plans, and we added London to the itinerary to stretch the holiday.

The downside of such a long holiday was the weather! It was cold to the core, and at times, the numbness from being in the cold made the experience unpleasant. But we took it in stride, and it was indeed a wonderful time.

2022 was somewhat of a year of new beginnings for us. Regrettably, we gave up our office space and officially worked from home. However, it was a good decision and a blessing in disguise. We no longer have to stress over traveling to/from home/office and have more time and flexibility. And as far as work is concerned, well, there have been ups and downs, but we prevailed. Let’s hope the new year will be better.

2022 was also a year of medical concerns. With Covid cases on the uptrend, people I know were positive at an alarming rate. It was only a matter of time before I contracted it. True enough, I tested positive in June and had the most miserable week of my life battling it. I was in no mood to share my episode then and, as time passed, forgot about my ordeal. However, in the aftermath, I notice I frequently experience brain fog and memory loss! Yikes. And I lost distance when golfing. Double yikes!

Sometimes I say it was the booster jab that compromised my health. But then again, I should say the booster jab saved me from complications or worst. So I should be thankful in this sense. My golfing distance has since returned, but my brain fog is still there. Perhaps this is purely due to age instead? I have to monitor further on this.

The year also saw a decline in my miniature crafting. Weirdly, I have so much time, yet no time at all. We played golf often and ate out more, yet no progress for my miniatures. DIY project #25 has stopped for the longest time! Maybe 2023 will see a revival of my interest? We will find out.

So what do I envision for the new year? Well, nothing too extreme, better health would be good, after all, I am a year older. In short, let there be peace, harmony, and good health. Here’s wishing all my readers a very Happy New Year!

Changing Mode

27 Dec

I have decided to change my mode of play for upcoming golf games. All the woods and hybrids have been retired.

My new ‘weapons’ for the fairways!

In their place are now all the long irons of various brands. The 6i, 5i, 4i, 3i and even a 2i! This decision is in preparation for the upcoming Iron Challenge tournament slated for the end of January next year.

I hope I can handle the long irons, as it’s been a long time since I last used them.

A Very Blessed Christmas

26 Dec

This year Christmas is a complete occasion for the family, particularly for us, with M2 having graduated and back from Ireland for good. It was a boisterous get-together, and everyone contributed a dish for our annual Family Christmas Eve dinner.

The cheese platters were so good!

And for a change, everyone participated in after-dinner games. There were non-stop screams of laughter at the performances of each individual during the games. It was wholesome fun and so much love.

I feel very blessed that this Christmas is more meaningful than ever. I hope this festive occasion is just as memorable for everyone. Here’s wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and cheers for the New Year!

Close Encounters

23 Dec

I have played golf for so long and have never encountered a situation of fear before until my Tuesday game this week. Shudder.

Our typical Tuesday golf game had only two flights this time. We played at an outside golf club instead of our home club for a change. The weather was cloudy, and the company was good. Despite such good conditions, my game continued its downslide. Oh well. However, it is not about me today but the situation.

The men had just teed off, and then we ladies teed off soon after. Just as we were about to follow them along the cart path, our flight mates in front shouted in fear, “Cobra! Cobra!”. Oh my goodness!

Our terrified caddy called out to me to quickly reverse the buggy. The cobra was already upright in an intimidating posture with its hood open as if ready to strike! Shudder. The men had driven past the cobra without realizing it. Luckily we were slow and behind. I think it was when they looked back to search for their balls that they saw the cobra.

And upon hearing their shouts and our caddy’s insistence, I reversed to a safe distance behind the scene. We stayed put for ten minutes as the men took some photos and the caddies did the same to report to the club. It was a fearful moment waiting out the cobra. Thankfully, the cobra stood down after a while and slithered off into the nearby bushes. Phew!

The cobra slithering off

After that incident, I had another unexpected encounter but this time, with an eagle! I was walking towards my ball when I stumbled upon an adult eagle resting in the rough under the trees. Its brown feathers camouflaged the bird under the shade, and I did not see it when I approached my ball.

The eagle looked injured as something was sticking out of its body. Unfortunately, I was not fast enough to get my phone out to take a picture. Oh well. The eagle spooked and flew off when it sensed my presence.

What an outcome the golf outing turned out to be, having close encounters with a cobra and an injured eagle.

Bottomless Pit

20 Dec

The horrible golf continues! I don’t seem to have hit rock bottom, but free-falling into a bottomless pit.

Ugh. No point in feeling miserable, frustrated, or angry. I might as well hang up the clubs until next year to spare myself any ill thoughts toward the game.

Half a Football Fan

19 Dec

The 2022 FIFA World Cup just concluded with the final match last night. I am not a football fan and did not follow nor watch any of the games the past month.

With Argentina prevailing to be the champion this year, it brought back memories of me being a fan decades ago. It was when Argentina won that year in 1986. And the rave then was, of course, the maestro Diego Maradona. I think I was using the World Cup fever as an excuse not to study for my exams! Hahaha.

I remember I had kept newspaper clippings of the great Maradona, but after the 1986 World Cup ended, so did my interest in the game. And Argentina has not won any further World Cup trophies until this year.

So I watched the highlights of the Final match this morning on my iPad Mini, and it was indeed thrilling. Will it revive my interest in the game? Am I a Lionel Messi fan? Hmm, good question.

Nonetheless, a toast to Argentina for their victory! France can also hold their heads high for giving the world such a high adrenalin-packed World Cup Finals.

A Different Build

16 Dec

My DIY miniature has not progressed, but in line with the Christmas spirit, I am helping M2 to build a Gingerbread house! And it’s not easy, I tell you.

The humidity has contributed to the structure becoming soft when exposed to the air. So the first attempt failed. Sigh.

We will attempt again today and hopefully will fare better. Otherwise, the Gingerbread house will join my current DIY miniature as an incomplete project.

The Struggle Continues, Part 3

13 Dec

The struggle continues with my golf game. It is like a roller coaster, one game playing well, then another, playing like a newbie. Like today. Ugh.

Maybe it’s the soggy fairways that are giving me the striking yips. But it’s also the putting. It’s unbelievable that I scored a miserly five Stableford points in one nine this morning. It’s all that three-putts! Ugh.

Everything could not work, and I was out of sorts. I attribute this to the nice cool weather and my wanting to do nothing. I should not adopt this do-nothing attitude for my golf!

Well, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a change in fortune to at least play decent for the remainder of the year.

Too Comfortable to Move

12 Dec

As you know, it is the rainy season now, raining daily. The temperature has dropped considerably, making life such a lull. In other words, it’s comfortable to do nothing.

And being Monday today, Monday blues have hit. I don’t want to do anything. I want to lie down and enjoy the cool weather. If the rain comes, all the more to just lay on the sofa to vegetate. I have never been lazier than these few days.

December, Oh December!

9 Dec

It just hit me that it is December already! Oh, my goodness. 2022 is coming to an end soon. With less than a month left, there is still much to do to fill up the days with memories.

December is a constant battle with the weather when it comes to doing the laundry. Will the sun peek out for a bit? Will it rain non-stop? The laundry does not have that sun-soaked smell during this time of the year.

December is also a month to get my Christmas shopping going! And so far, I’m on track. Yay. And yes, the home Christmas decorations are out, and it’s just the finishing touches here and there.

Being the last month of the year, December is also a time to wrap up things that started at the beginning of the year. Specifically, my DIY miniature, sitting at my station, collecting dust. I have not crafted so many this year, and it would be nice to finish up this last one.

December is a time for reflection on the year that passed. I am thankful for the good times and have stored away the good memories. I hope the remainder of the month will give me several more last hurrahs to cherish.