The Curry Puff Hole

17 May

At my golf club at the Lakes course, there is a hole that I now call the Curry Puff Hole fondly. It is a Par 3, Hole number 5, near the drink hut. So, being a Par 3, we try all sorts of incentives to reward a good outcome.

Whenever we play together, our regular golfer friend would buy curry puffs for everyone to share if he holes out for a par. In other words, everyone gets half a curry puff. Isn’t it nice of him? 

Not too long ago, I improvised his incentive and modified the on-the-spot curry puff on top of drinks after the game during lunch whenever I play with my group of lady golfers.

Like my friend, everyone gets half a curry puff for a par by me. However, if I struck a birdie, everyone would get one curry puff each! It has been rewarding.

A delicious chunky curry puff.

Vicious Cycle

14 May

The weather of late has been super wonky. It’s humid, raining, or hot like a furnace, and the pattern repeats. It’s a vicious cycle, I tell you. It’s tough, especially when we want to play golf.

An early morning or afternoon tee-off cannot escape the conditions. Most days, it would rain in the afternoon so heavily that the fairways were soggy the next day. And golfing on soft fairways is not fun.

Then there are days that it is so humid and hot that my brain feels fried! I cannot wear my hat. Instead, I use my umbrella, but I end up being so tan – it’s not fun either! It’s a vicious cycle.

Slow-play Angst, Part 2

10 May

Last weekend, when I participated in the Monthly Medal tournament at my golf club, it was not just slow-play angst that got to us. My AppleWatch Series 5 did not survive the round! A first for me.

I subscribe to the Hole 19 app to track all my golf game statistics. So whenever I play, I use the app on my AppleWatch but turn off the GPS function, relying more on the iPhone’s GPS. And all this while, upon completing 18 holes, I’d still have 40 to 50% battery left on my AppleWatch.

However, during Sunday’s game, my battery died with three holes left to play! Very unusual. Already angst from the lengthy outing, ten minutes shy of six hours, my AppleWatch’s unexpected death added to the angst. Argh.

I wouldn’t say I was upset but more surprised. I did notice something amiss that morning but brushed it aside. Within five minutes of wearing it upon waking up, the battery level dropped five percent. And by tee-off, I had 90 percent of battery, which I thought would be enough. But little did I know, the lengthy time out on the golf course did my watch in.

I’m wondering, slow-play aside, is it time for me to change the battery of my AppleWatch? After all, the watch is almost five years old, and the battery’s health is now at 80%. I still love my AppleWatch Series 5, and extending its life and usage would be most practical over upgrading to a newer model. Hmm. We shall see.

Slow-Play Angst

7 May

Typically, a round of golf would take four hours plus a little more to complete. But when it’s crowded, the duration will be longer. In the past two monthly medal tournaments that I participated in, it took forever to complete!

Call it slow play, over-subscribed participation, or whatever in the April medal game – it was just too long. Six hours to be exact. Crazy. The angst and frustration were evident. I lost my momentum and returned with an unfathomable effort. Then again, when it’s six hours to finish 18 holes of golf, it’s hard to imagine playing well with all that waiting for every shot. 

But I learned my lesson, and in the recent May medal tournament, I tried not to focus on the waiting period like the last time. It worked out better. Chatting with my flightmates about everything under the sun helped our slow-play angst. The game ended ten minutes shy of six hours.

We must learn to be more patient and control our thoughts when it takes longer than usual on the golf course. If we don’t manage our emotions, participating in monthly medal tournaments will be a frustrating outing instead of an enjoyable one. 

Reversing the Fat Week

3 May

With April over, I sigh with relief, knowing the big birthday month is over. So, it is time to reverse the Fat Week. We are into May, and there are fewer birthdays to celebrate within my circle of friends and family. And when there’s no birthday gathering, this means no big meals or sinful cakes!

Golf has resumed full swing upon our return from the recent Singapore Escapade. And I give myself a month to shape up! Perhaps I should also consider doing some morning walks within the estate on non-golfing days to shed the fat and stay fit. Hmm, something to think about. One month to see the results! Yes, I can do it.

Birthday Escapade

30 Apr

Every year, we go away for a twosome celebration for my birthday. Typically, it would be a golf game or two and a fancy dinner. There was one year, we went to Awana Genting.

This year, I opted not to include a golf game for the birthday escapade. Instead, it was a sightseeing and gastronomic trip. Where did we go? Singapore!

Taking the Aeroline bus to Singapore

It was pleasant, not needing to drive and deal with traffic for a change. We took the Aeroline bus, which was quite comfortable despite taking six hours to arrive.

The Jewel rain vortex waterfall

We had a super fun weekend exploring the Jewel at Changi and being mesmerized by the rain vortex indoor waterfall. Being a tourist at Marina Bay Sands, it was hot and superhot outdoors, trying to capture the perfect shot of the area when we ventured out from the air-con mall.

The perfect Singapore skyline shot?

But we were also super tired from the walking and being in the super humid outdoors. I guess you can’t have it all good. Humidity aside, we had some mouth-watering food discoveries. However, there was only so much we could eat as the short escapade ended too soon. 

We managed to cover fast food, community food court, mall foodcourt and fancy restaurant.

I’m glad this year we did this for a change. I look forward to next year’s birthday celebration! 

A Day of Reflection

26 Apr

One year older, five pounds heavier is the reality this year. I stood on the bathroom scale this morning, and I was a pound off, small consolation, I guess.

Impending birthdays are a day of reflection. I try not to be too wordy and will keep it simple. So here goes. I am thankful for my life, my family, and my friends.

And I look forward to spending more time with family, hanging out with friends, and playing better golf! I hope to achieve my Hole-in-One this year. Who knows? After all, I had my Eagle Achievement last year.

I will make the most of my special day tomorrow.

Fat Week

23 Apr

April is the birthday month of several family members and friends besides myself. And year in and year out, it’s the same situation, especially during the week leading up to my birthday. I call it the Fat Week because there are so many dinners to usher in the good day. 

There are dinners with family and then with friends. On top of this, there are friends whose birthdays are around the same time, so all the more reason for the feasts and merry-making. And of course, when the occasion is a birthday, there is cake after the meal! So many cakes, mind you. That’s extra calories so many times over. Seriously, how often does one eat cake regularly? The sinful dessert is only on birthday occasions, thankfully.

You would think the saying – a year older, a year wiser applies, but it has not been so as far as birthday celebrations are concerned this year. So it’s more of a year older, five pounds heavier. Hahahaha.

It is only Tuesday, and there are several more birthday dinner celebrations to come before the actual day of my birthday. I shouldn’t stand on the bathroom scale every morning to feel guilty. After all, I have accepted that it is Fat Week. But I vow to start dieting right after my birthday, and keeping my fingers crossed, I can follow through on this vow.

Not Quite So Fit

19 Apr

You would think that playing golf three times a week makes one fit. Well, I had an eye-opener to my stamina and health when I walked nine holes on Thursday. Dang, I was heating up and had palpitations!

It was a late tee-off, 8.35 am, and we decided to use the trolley to pull our bags instead of taking the buggy. By the sixth hole, I wanted to give up. The golf course was like a giant oven! No hat nor umbrella could help me. And the hot coffee I had in the flask became so unappealing in the hot environment.

I was sweating buckets and gasping, especially going uphill! Perhaps I should walk more instead of sitting in the buggy for future games. Hmm, something to consider to overcome this inadequate stamina and strength. I’m not quite as fit as I thought, and it’s a humbling realization.

The Gaming Sloth, Part 2

16 Apr

Thank goodness the two-day public holidays are over, and I return to my routine. During those two days, I was such a gaming sloth at home, being horizontal at poking away at my iPad Mini nonstop. What was the game? Hexa Sort. It’s such an addictive game!

I had to discipline myself to only three rounds after that because if I went on, I would not stop, and nothing gets done at home. And what’s terrible about this obsession is that my iPad heats up so fast, it’s alarming.

My other games do not create such intense heat on my iPad. So, to preserve my device and manage my time, I have to limit my time playing Hexa Sort.

Maybe I should delete the game because it’s taking up too much of my time. Hmm? I should not be a sloth at home, or worse – a gaming sloth.