Tag Archives: surgery

What Can I Eat? Part 2

29 Mar

It has been seven weeks since I last drank a cup of coffee or had a glass of alcohol. Yes, I am keeping track and I am very proud to say I have not had any withdrawal symptoms. In other words, the Infectious Colitis did me good in a good weird way, losing weight, shaping up and feeling lighter.

Although I cannot eat a whole lot of things for fear of a negative reaction and suffering the consequences later (remember the onions and turnips episode?), there were a couple of instances I could not resist chocolate.

I ate some several weeks ago and this was the only thing I caved in. I am okay skipping my cheeses, dairy, wheat, fried and spicy food but resistance to chocolate was futile. Sucker.

So when I discovered I could be having Endometriosis, suddenly the staples that I relied on (tofu, soy sauce, white bread, eggs and tuna) had to be eliminated, I was aghast. What can I eat then? The list of food to avoid is so long! Apparently, these food (plus beef and those to avoid for Colitis) do cause some imbalance and reaction. And the outcome is worse; sigh… so I better not chance it. And the chocolate indulgence has stopped too. But avoiding soy sauce is the hardest because of the food I am used to eating.

Two days ago, I stepped on the bathroom scale. Hmm… down another 0.5kg. It’s not that I am not eating, I am but small meals despite the limited choices. Honestly.

I rely on white meat to appease the protein urge. Vegetables and fruits have to be moderate, not excessive because I need to have the right balance. A high-fibre diet is bad for Infectious Colitis but good for Endometriosis while a low-fibre diet is bad for Endometriosis but good for Infectious Colitis. See the dilemma?

Coincidentally, the abdominal cramps struck last night albeit less intense due to the restrictive diet, so I am glad I am seeing my O&G doctor today at the hospital. Most likely I will be admitted for a laparoscopic surgery to get to the root of my problem. From there, we will then decide what course of action to take to resolve this once and for all.