Tag Archives: bean bag

Online Shopping is Fun

26 Oct

Online shopping seems to be a new favorite thing to do between hubby and I. Just about every week or every other week, both of us are buying stuff online as if trying to outdo each other. I would look at carving tools to add to my supply and he, at air plants to add to his collection.

But the difference between our purchases are the sizes of the boxes/packages that the things arrive in. Mine comes in flat little packs while his are in big huge boxes except that one time when I ‘won’ hands down with the arrival of the big bean bag. On Tuesday, his latest purchase finally arrived.

Look at the size of the box!

Online Shopping

12 Sep

As you know, I am not an avid shopper. Put me in a mall for hours, I would be drained of energy and feeling super lethargic. I simply cannot stand the noisy crowd, the screaming kids and the lack of oxygen in an enclosed environment.

However, sometimes a trip to the mall is necessary but only to buy and do the necessary. No window-shopping excursions in other words and I avoid those mega-sales extravaganzas like a plague.

Recently, this dinosaur discovered the joys of online shopping! No crowds, no kids, no lack of oxygen and at the comfort of my space, it’s kinda nice. And thrilling to a certain extent when I am able to find something that I like and need.

It’s not amazon.com that I am talking about but a local portal, lazada.com.my. It’s truly mind boggling what one can find on there; a true definition of a one-stop for all your needs.

But I am selective. Most purchases are things at a great bargain and useful like a bean bag and golf club covers or even useless, like the fidget spinner which I still don’t get it until now.

My most recent purchase, a set of carving tools to complement my existing set, will definitely be a useful one to grow my Gigglesville township.

I look forward to the package arriving.