Tag Archives: CIMB Classic 2013

On a Buying Spree

29 Oct

I daresay both M1 and M2 inherited the reading bug from me. Certainly it must be me because hubby is not an avid reader like me, who’d read until 3.00am in the morning. Whenever hubby has a book in front of him—and I have seen it on several occasions—he does not make it pass two pages and muted snores can be heard shortly; except maybe for one book, ‘Bend, Not Break: A Life in Two Worlds’ by Ping Fu, he read it in one day while I took three days. The point is, no matter how tired I am, I never doze off with a book in hand and neither do my girls. So, yea… they inherited the reading bug from me.

During my dinosaur era, I was reading Trixie Belden, the Famous Five, Five Find-Outers and Nancy Drew. But sadly, my girls are not into these characters and my collection is left to collect more dust.

Children these days, I discovered, are more into authors besides the series. M1 totally enjoys the Percy Jackson series (by Rick Riordan) and insist that the books must be the US edition because they have nicer cover designs than the UK edition. She awaits the latest release, US edition of course.

M2, on the other hand, enjoys quirky titles with lots of doodles everywhere, big fonts and peppered with typographic creativity.

On Sunday, we finally visited the bookstore, Kinokuniya, in KLCC. It was an all-girls outing as hubby chose to go to the CIMB Classic golf tournament at KLGCC instead. So there we were at the bookstore, touching this book and that book. We were in heaven!

However, M1 was disappointed to see the latest release of Rick Riordan’s was not of the cover she anticipated! Brought down to earth, she said we must still go in search for the new book with its US edition cover. But until that happens, I felt her disappointment and decided to allow her to pick up some other titles instead. Since school exams are also over, I’d rather have both girls reading more than to be online all the time.

I must have been deprived of shopping lately (buying grocery does not count) for I decided it was a book-buying day and we all ended up with 2 or more books each.

M1 picked up a novel, a doodle journal and a Pokemon encyclopedia; M2 had the same doodle journal too and an Adventure Time encyclopedia while I picked up ‘Are You a Cow?’ another Sandra Boynton board book to add to my collection, a Nora Roberts two-in-one read and a more serious title: ‘Lean in’ by Sheryl Sandberg.

We capped the outing with a scrumptious lunch before hurrying home to enjoy the books! It was one of those rare good shopping days and good quality time spent with the girls.


The prized purchases. M2 has totally wrecked her journal, see the ripped page sticking out?